How Do I Renew My Arizona Water Operator License
By: Ashley Berfield | Oct 16, 2019
When Does My Arizona Water Operator License Expire?
Your Arizona Water Operator License will expire every 3 years. The specific expiration date depends on the date your license was originally issued. If you are unsure about your license expiration date you can look it up here.
How Many Professional Development Hours Do I Need For My Water Operators License?
Arizona water operator license holders are required to complete 30 hours of professional development every 3 years. At least 10 of the professional development hours must cover the licensees specific job function. This 30 hours is required regardless of the number of certification as licensee holds. JADE Learning offers continuing education courses to help Arizona Water Operator licensees meet their renewal requirements.
JADE Learning’s 30 hour package bundles all the courses you need to meet the 30 hour requirement for only $299. The package includes courses on topics such as 2017 NEC Changes, Fluid Mechanics, Water Technology, Maintaining Waste Water Equipment and more.
How Do I Renew My License With the AZDEQ?
After you have completed your 30 hours of professional development you will need to complete your renewal form and submit it to the ADEQ. The ADEQ charges a renewal fee that is based on the number of certifications you hold. You must submit this fee with the renewal form. The fees are as follows:
One Certificate – $150.00
Two Certificates – $200.00
Three Certificates – $250.00
Four Certificates – $300.00
Get Started on Your 30 Professional Development Hours