Pass Your Texas Electrician Exam

By: Jerry Durham | Aug 11, 2021
No matter how you look at it, licensing exams are hard. This is especially true of electrical licensing exams. During fiscal year 2020, only 28.7% of Texas electrical exam takers passed their exam. This means that the majority of people taking their licensing exam do not pass.
Why do Electricians Fail the Licensing Exam?
Licensing exams are purposefully difficult. States pay close attention to passing rates, and any time the passing rate gets too high, they will increase the difficulty of the exam. They want people to fail to ensure that only truly qualified applicants obtain licenses to do electrical work. In addition to this, test-takers are attempting a difficult exam in a new environment, without all of the resources they are used to having at their disposal. They are also on a new computer, using new software, and many are just not as prepared as they would like to be.
How do I Pass the Electrical Exam?

You know how the Boy Scouts motto is “Be Prepared”? That is good advice for those about to take the electrician’s licensing exam; make sure you are prepared for the exam.
- Familiarize yourself with the Candidate Information Bulletin. Make sure you know what topics will be on the exam and what edition of the National Electrical Code is covered. Currently, the Texas electrical exam is based on the 2020 NEC.
- Know what you can bring with you. You will not be allowed to bring your cell phone or personal items into the testing center. Only certain types of the NEC are permitted. Be familiar with what to bring and what to leave at home.
- Bring your valid government-issued ID.
- Know where you’re going before you go. You may want to drive to the testing center a few days before your exam to practice going there.
- Get a good night’s sleep before the exam. Eat breakfast or a snack beforehand. Leave early, get there early. Breathe deeply and stay focused on the task at hand – passing your exam.
- Study! The Texas Electrical Exam is based on the NEC, not your experience in the field. Study the NEC and learn how to take the state exam using JADE Learning’s Illustrated Guide to Electrical Exam Prep. JADE Learning’s exam prep guide was developed to train you on the topics you will be tested on!
What Sets JADE Learning Apart?

JADE Learning has been providing electrical continuing education since the mid-1990s, and we have been providing electrical exam prep since 2013. We have helped thousands of electrical apprentices and inspectors prepare for their electrical licensing exam.
The all-new 2020-NEC Illustrated Guide to Electrical Exam Prep is the most comprehensive study guide available online – and it will be available in fall of 2021! It was built by electricians for electricians and it includes everything you need to get ready for the Texas state electrical exams. The new illustrated guide includes over 800 exam specific practice questions and 18 fully illustrated, narrated training modules.
You will get the chance to learn the important NEC topics covered in the electrical exams and then complete actual, timed practice exams to see if you are ready for the real thing!
Exam Prep Testimonials
- “Exam prep includes valuable test questions and feedback.” Rod
- “My friends recommended it, and they all passed.” Alexander
- “The videos and exam prep questions were very helpful. I really enjoyed the practice tests because when I answer incorrectly I am able to see why I got the question wrong. Then I am able to see how to properly answer the question. It is also so helpful to go at your own pace.” J.
*Special thanks: USA image with Texas highlight is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.