6 Steps to Renewing Your License Online

By: JADE Learning | Jul 28, 2020
Thanks to the online continuing education we provide, renewing a professional license with JADE Learning’s help is easy. Below, we’ll walk you through the steps to complete your education and renew your license online.
Online License Renewal With JADE Learning Continuing Education
1. Find out your license requirements
Each state and license type has its own requirements for renewal. Select your state and license type here to find out the continuing education requirements for your renewal and pay special attention to the license expiration dates.
The selection of courses can vary from one state or license type to another. Some states or licenses may require a certain number of hours be dedicated to a particular course topic or subject area.
While most license renewal continuing education can be completed online, some states and license types will require you to take an in-person course in an actual classroom.
2. Create your continuing education account
After you know what your license requires and you’re ready to enroll, create your account with JADE Learning. It’s free, easy, and it only takes a minute.
3. Sign up for your course(s)
Once you have selected the course or courses you wish to take, follow the on-screen instructions to sign-up.
Online courses are free to begin and you will only pay to receive your certificate of completion. Plus, you may switch courses at any time.
Live courses taught in classroom or webinar settings require payment before the class date.
4. Take the course
Our courses are taught by licensed professionals and industry experts and provide the best possible continuing education experience. Courses covering the NEC will simplify the code and make it easier to understand. Courses on other topics offer concise explanations and helpful graphics. Continuing education may be a requirement, but we believe you should learn something to get the most for your hard-earned money.
Online courses may be completed anywhere, including the comfort of your own home. Use a desktop, laptop, tablet, or a smartphone to log in and out whenever you want. You’ll work at your own pace on your own time. Courses can be completed in a day, a week, or however long it takes you — they are available through board-assigned expiration dates.
5. Get your certificate of completion
Once you complete your course(s), you will be emailed your certificate of completion. For any state that permits provider reporting, your hours will be reported to your state’s licensing board. Rush reporting is available in all states that allow it, and, your hours will be submitted to the state within 1-2 business days. Keep in mind that it may take a bit longer for the state to actually post your hours since this is often a manual process.
6. Renew your license online
Once you have your certificate of completion (or your hours have posted with the state), you can go ahead and renew your license. Most states allow you to renew your license online within a specific time frame. It may be anywhere from a year to 30 days before your license expires, so make sure you know when it’s time to renew.
Get Started Today
Contact us with any questions you may have regarding your license renewal or create your account to get started today.