3 Steps to Renewing a Texas Electrical License

By: JADE Learning | Dec 01, 2019
You can renew your Texas electrical license quickly if you know what the process involves and plan ahead. You’ll need to complete a brief continuing education course and then apply for renewal with the state. Let’s walk through the process step by step so you can prepare.
How to Renew Your Texas Electrical License
Step 1: Find Your Electrical License Expiration Date
An electrical license issued in the state of Texas must be renewed every year. Keep your date of issue on the calendar so you know when it’s time to renew. If you don’t know when your license was issued, you can look up your details on the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) website.
Step 2: Complete Your Continuing Education
Electricians in Texas must complete 4 hours of Texas electrical continuing education every year in order to renew their electrical license.
JADE Learning offers all of the hours you need to renew your electrical license in Texas. Our courses are taught by fellow licensed electricians and NEC code experts with decades of experience in the industry, and all of our courses have been approved by the TDLR since 2005. We’re trusted CE provider #1020.
Our continuing education courses are taught entirely online, where you can work at your own pace, on your own time, from wherever you wish. Sign in from a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or even a smartphone and save your progress to continue again at another time. You can even switch courses whenever you want. When you study with JADE Learning, you study on your schedule.
Here’s a list of courses offered by JADE Learning that fulfill the hours for a Texas electrical license renewal:
- 2020 NEC Changes, Safety, Texas Laws
- Installing PV Systems, Safety, Texas Laws (VIDEO)
- Residential Wiring (2020 NEC), Safety, TX Laws
- Service Calculations for Dwellings (VIDEO)
You may choose any course you wish, and all courses are free to start. You will only pay once you have successfully completed the course and would like your credits reported to the TDLR. We’ll even rush report your completed hours each business day at no extra charge.
Step 3: Apply to Renew Your License
Once your continuing education is complete, we recommend waiting 1-2 business days to make sure your hours have been processed with TLDR. After that, you’re free to file for renewal
using the TDLR online renewal services. You’ll need your license number, SSN, and a valid credit card to complete your application. If you’re unable to apply or complete the renewal online, you must download a form and mail in your application and payment.
Do you have more questions about renewing your electrical license in Texas? JADE Learning is here to help. Let us know what you need and we’ll work together to get you through the process. Our continuing education has helped over 150,000 electricians across the U.S. renew their licenses for more than 20 years. Create your account to get started.
My license expires 07/17/2019. I cant afford renewal until 07/18. Can i still renew at that point or must i apply for a new license.
It depends what state you are licensed in – if it is Texas, you will be able to renew but there will be a late fee added to the renewal fee.
Need to renewed my license
Go to http://www.jadelearning.com, select Texas Electrical, and create an account to begin your continuing education.
When do we pay for completed courses ?
At the end, when you finish the course, you will be asked to pay for the course.
Does the education part have to be with jade learning? There is Teces.org that say they also offer a course for continuing education?
There are different providers of continuing education for electrical license renewal. Our courses are approved by TDLR for the required hours, they work very well for busy electricians who want to take the course a little bit at a time, and there is no cost to register or get started. Please contact us if you have any questions.