5 Test-Taking Tips For Your Electrician Exam

By: Amy Bonilla | May 21, 2017

ManCelebrates_TestTipsBlog_copy2 Tip #1
Start Early

Register for the electrician license exam and start studying. The sooner you begin studying, the greater your chances to pass. You should plan on spending a total of 60 hours studying time for the electrician exam. If your exam is scheduled for a month from now, that means you need to take about 15 hours each week to study. Studying works best when it is spaced, so try to spend at least 2 hours each day preparing. Do not procrastinate and wait until the last minute to cram.

Tip #2
Learn The Code

The National Electrical Code is not always easy to understand. You have to know how the Code is organized (Chapters, Articles, Parts, sections.) If you do not know how to use the Code, you will not pass your electrical exam. Use the index in the back of the NEC to look up sections. Don’t flip through the book randomly looking for answers during the exam. Find the Code section before answering a question. Match the wording of the question to the Code section.

JADE Learning’s electrical exam prep can teach you how to navigate the National Electrical Code through the QuickSearch method.

Tip #3
Save Time

Don’t waste time studying material that is not on the electrician exam; only study materials that will be on the exam! Online Electrical Exam Prep gives you questions that are likely to be covered on the exam. Focus on Code Calculations. Saving time also means focusing on your weaker areas first. If you have a lot of experience with motors and are confident about answering questions based on motors, then you can study other areas first. You can save time during the exam by answering questions that you know first, and then coming back to the difficult ones later. As soon as you read a question, eliminate the answers that you know are not right. This will increase your chances of choosing the correct answer.

Tip #4
Learn The Technology

If you do not have a lot of experience with computers, then you will find the actual online electrical exam to be very stressful. Practicing on a computer is essential to your studying routine. Since the exam is timed, you will need to practice on the computer to make sure you are answering the questions at the right pace. Taking a timed, computer-based practice test will help you tremendously; you will be able to monitor your pace and know how the real electrical exam will feel. JADE Learning’s electrical exam prep offers timed electrical practice exams, so you can get realistic practice.

Tip #5
Keep Your Cool

Get a good night’s rest before the electrician exam. This will help you keep your cool and relax during the exam. Make a list of the materials you will need to bring to the testing center, and do not forget your ID. Arrive early for the electrician test so that you can choose a comfortable seat in a good location. DO NOT panic – this will only make things worse. Remain confident and remind yourself that you are doing a great job!

Utilize all of the resources that are at your disposal, and take the electrical exam very seriously. The more your practice and prepare, the more confident you will become. Put in the time and effort, and you will succeed. Study like it is your job – your future depends on it.

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17 thoughts on “5 Test-Taking Tips For Your Electrician Exam

  1. Pingback: How To Get My Electrical License | The Junction Box
  2. I am really nervous to take my electrician exam because I’m not very good at taking tests. I usually just freeze up! I like all of your tips about keeping your cool during the exam. Especially, the tip about making a list of materials that you will need to bring to the testing center. Thanks for the help!

  3. Anywhere I can look to practice or understand the motor control project and transformer project for the Utah Journeyman practical test? I’m rusty as heck on those subjects. If not… thanks again for this nice bit of info!

  4. Being someone who is thinking about becoming an electrician one day, the tip to start early is really important. Just like you said, start now and begin now to study for that licensing exam. I have always been a procrastinator and so this information speaks volume to me and so I need to hit my 60 hours of studying for the electrician exam whenever I can. Thanks for the information!

    1. Just a heads up I’m not sure if it is Nationwide. But I know in Kentucky you have to have either four years of schooling or so many hours on the job experience before you can take the test

  5. This is some really good information about electrician. It does seem like a good idea to have a professional do anything electrical for you. I know that I wouldn’t want to worry about messing up and hurting myself.

  6. I’ve heard that my uncle wants to extend his electrical contractor’s license so I may have to advise him to start early so that he can pass the exam. Thanks for pointing out that he has to learn the code while he chooses a training center where he’ll take the test. This way, he can save time on studying and apply his knowledge so he can become a master electrician.

  7. I’m glad you talked about the importance of preparing and studying for an electrician’s license exam. Recently, one of my friends mentioned he wants to expand his professional skills by becoming an electrical contractor. My friend wants to know more about how to become a licensed contractor, so I’ll be sure to share this article. Thanks for the advice on an electrician’s exam and how to prep for it.

  8. Question for Colorado, is my 6,000 hrs commercial and 5,000 resendetional apprentice time still honored today to take a Jouernaman Electrical exam? It’s been 11 years since I’ve turned in my time and been eligible to schedule a Jouernaman electrican exam, went to oil fields and never pursued my dream due to fast money. I know NEC code has updated

  9. I took my residential journeyman certification exam in may 2006 and passed it with a 72% overall. The test was 75 questions but you were not allowed to bring your own study materials with you in the testing area however they provided me with the most current nec code book as well as some scratch paper and I can’t remember exactly how many but they gave a handful of paper clips a number 2 pencil and allowed up to 30 mins of prep time at the computer before you actually are required to begin the timed test. I took that time and went to my code book and marked the chapters like special ocupancies and grounding means etc. that way I could find those topics easier cause I knew that there would be questions relating to those topics. It was a huge factor in the passing cause the test was at a 60% fail rate at the time and I was 1 of 4 from my company taking it and the only one who passed. Hope it helps to read this. Sincerely wish everyone who does seek a career in this field thr best of luck. Royce. Ivey

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