A PV system is useless until it gets connected into the premises wiring system. NEC section 690.64 states that the point of connection for a PV system shall be in accordance with section 705.12. Article 705 provides the rules on how an electric power production source, such as a PV […]
When wiring PV modules in series (to create a series string of modules), voltage is additive while current remains the same. Series = Adds Voltage. When wiring several strings in parallel, the result is the opposite; voltage remains the same while current is additive.
In the Summer Newsletter article, we discussed marking our service equipment with the maximum Available Fault Current (AFC) as well as the date the fault current calculation was performed to comply with NEC 110.24(A). We selected circuit breakers with an AIC rating equal to or greater than the AFC. So […]
Electrical Continuing Education. Today John Hauck and David Burtt discuss the identification of grounded conductors according to the 2011 National Electrical Code. This is part 2 of a 3 part series on identifying conductors. How are grounded conductors required to be identified? 200.6(A). In sizes No. 6 AWG and smaller, […]
A common application of multiwire branch circuits as described in section 210.4 is for a 120/240-volt, single-phase system where three wires do the work of four, the two ungrounded conductors sharing a single neutral.In a 20 amp multiwire branch circuit if the two ungrounded conductors each carry 15 amps, some people think the neutral carries 30 amps, or the combined total of the current on each ungrounded conductor.
Marking the maximum available current and the calculation date on the service equipment makes it much easier to confirm the interrupting rating of the equipment.
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